Today is the first day of spring and there are a lot of big things going on around here. Turkey season is right around the corner and as I gear up for this upcoming season, I will have lots of new gear to blog on. I have teamed up with 2 different call companies Esh custom calls and Woodhaven. I have also teamed up with blocker outdoors, hawke optics, BOG hunt, nomad outdoors, avian-x, and crimson trace. I am also in the process of possibly working with a new gun company, more on that to come. Hopefully the new site is a little easier to navigate and it allows me to customize it more to my liking. In the coming weeks I am going to be getting the boat around, finishing getting mineral sites out, continuing shed hunting, and patterning my turkey gun. I am also going to be setting up a crossbow to hopefully tag a longbeard for my upcoming article in crossbow magazine. Now that the new site is up, I’m going to try to do at least 3 blog post a month. It all depends on how the editorial Calander. Thats all for now, till next time get out and enjoy the great outdoors.